GACD Now Accepting 2022 Scholarship Applications

Georgia Association of Conservation Districts (GACD) awards an annual scholarship of $1,000 to encourage study and careers in soil and water conservation related fields. Awards will be given to students majoring in, or intending to major in, a soil and water conservation related area. Acceptable areas of study include, but are not limited to, agricultural education, agronomy, horticulture, plant pathology, and agricultural communications. The applicant may be a high school senior, or a freshman, sophomore, junior, senior or graduate student from Georgia at any accredited college, school, or university in the United States. Students must maintain a GPA of at least 2.75 and be in need of financial assistance. There will be no discrimination on basis of race, sex, or religion. The Scholarship Committee will determine the recipient of the annual scholarship. The scholarship winner will be recognized at the GACD Annual Meeting in 2022. Disbursements will be made in two payments of $500 paid to the student upon receipt of proof of satisfactory completion of each of two semesters of full-time academic work.

Applications and a current transcript must be received by December 31, 2021. Please contact GACD with any questions: The mission of GACD is to advocate for the conservation of Georgia’s natural resources by providing organization, leadership and a unified strategic direction to the Conservation Districts of the state. For more information on GACD or to explore opportunities on how you can support our efforts, please visit us online at or on Facebook @GACDConserve.